There\’s one way and only one way to determine if an animal is intelligent. Dissect its brain! Stop it, stop it. It\’s fine. I will \’destroy\’ you! Why yes! Thanks for noticing. No, just a regular mistake. These old Doomsday Devices are dangerously unstable. I\’ll rest easier not knowing where they are. I\’ve been there. My folks were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants. What am I, the pope? Large bet on myself in round one.
They make you
Is that a cooking show? I love you, buddy! So, how \’bout them Knicks? Switzerland is small and neutral! We are more like Germany, ambitious and misunderstood! Guess again. All I want is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence who wears a suit… that\’s why I\’m transferring to business school!